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14 December 2022, Volume 1 Issue 1

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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 1-6.
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    In view of the problems existing in the integration of production and education in higher vocational colleges, the "three three combination" talent training mode is constructed, that is, through the combination of "enterprise guidance, industry guidance and school supervision", the talent training mode is reformed; through the three combinations of "core curriculum, core problems and core competence", the four teaching reforms of "teachers, teaching materials, teaching methods and teaching evaluation" are deepened; and through the combination of the "basic experiment, industry experiment and practice training " , the practical teaching system is optimized. The construction and implementation of this model can improve the professional quality of students and the employment quality of graduates, create an excellent team of double qualified teachers, and provide a good reference for the deepening of "four teaching" reform in higher vocational colleges.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 6-9.
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    Abstract: With the effective promotion of information technology to the level of China's manufacturing industry, China's wood processing industry is gradually moving towards the road of high quality development. Under the background of structural adjustment of wood processing industry, information construction of wood processing enterprises in China has been developing rapidly. Based on the current development situation of wood processing enterprises, the problems existing in the information construction of wood processing enterprises were clarified, and based on this, the safeguard measures and development suggestions were put forward, and the information construction was explored.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 9-15.
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    Abstract: The economic impact of the new crown epidemic on China and the world is vivid. Can it bring higher market value to the medical industry? Combining the characteristics of the medical industry, this article sorts out the official national epidemic announcement information from 2020.1-2021.1, divides the events into six stages, discusses the impact of the new crown epidemic on the stock price of the medical industry, and then innovatively proposes social attention to explain the abnormal returns of the medical industry. Rate. The conclusions are as follows: the first and stage events have a significant impact on the medical industry, with a positive impact in the early stage and a negative impact in the later stage; the information on the successful development of the vaccine in the second and fifth stages did not significantly affect the stock price of the medical industry; 3. There is heterogeneity in the impact of social attention on the abnormal return of stock prices. Passive attention to the epidemic will cause the stock price to rise, and positive attention to the epidemic will cause the stock price to fall.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 15-19.
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    The current rural revitalization is to consolidate the continuation and development of the results of poverty alleviation, is the topic of building a modern country in an all-round way. But at present, there are some realistic factors in this process, which hinder the process of rural revitalization. The vocational education is an important support for the revitalization of the countryside, bearing the important mission of educating people for the Party and talents for the country. We should fully stimulate the role of institutions, improve the professional structure, enhance the allocation of teachers, cultivate cultural heritage, promote the transformation of scientific research, boost rural revitalization, promote healthy and green sustainable development in rural areas.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 19-20.
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    This paper gives a complete set of online update solution and core code,The core is network detection, configuration file reading, version and file size comparison, network type and processing, asynchronous task download, status bar progress bar and APK installation,It also solves the problems of storage permission, installation permission and security.It can be used to automatically detect and update the app startup interface, or manually check the update,It has the characteristics of strong expansibility, compatibility number, high operation efficiency and Concise code. It has achieved good results in use.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 28-33.
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    Metal-organic framework materials ( MOFs) are porous materials with a crystal structure formed by self-assembly of secondary or structural units of metal ions or metal ions,and organic ligands containing nitrogen and carboxylic acid functional groups,and metal organic frame-work materials. Compared with traditional porous materials, MOFs have extremely high specific surface area and porosity, and the pore structure is adjustable. Therefore, MOFs possess good adsorption and detection performance. This article through introduced in recent years MOFs in molecular iodine adsorption, the adsorption of organic dyes, detecting mercury metal ions, organic solvent molecules and the application of gas adsorption and separation, analysis the mechanism of adsorption test, summarizes the design concept of metal organic skeleton materials, for the adsorption of metal-organic framework materials design and detection performance development provides a new way of thinking.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 33-40.
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    As one of the most important functions of battery management system (BMS), SOC is the premise of SOP evaluation, SOH evaluation, balance control and thermal management. This paper classifies and summarizes the most competitive algorithms in BMS, and looks forward to the future development trend and challenges of SOC estimation algorithm.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 40-49.
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    In this paper the subspace method is introduced to identity the system matirx of networked control system by using the input and output data. In order to avoid the deviation of the open loop subspace identification, the system input and output error sequences are calculated to construct the extended input state space for closed loop identification. Then, the prediction model is constructed, and the predictive control algorithm and compensation structure are designed to actively compensate the impact of network delay. For online recurrence calculation, a simple parameter matrix updating method is designed. Compared with the complex matrix decomposition, the computational complexity is reduced and the real-time performance of the system is improved.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 49-60.
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    To study the friction stick-slip problem of friction clutch during the process of sliding friction, a three-dimensional finite element model of a real friction clutch was established, and ABAQUS/Explicit dynamic analysis algorithm was used to investigate the stick-slip vibration characteristics of the friction clutch system. Moreover, the effect of the normal load and the thickness of friction plate on the clutch stick-slip vibration behavior of the system was study as well. The research results show that the explicit dynamic analysis of ABAQUS can effectively simulate the stick-slip vibration of the clutch. The displacement signal of the system shows obvious sawtooth fluctuation, and the bite state is formed between the fly wheel and the friction plate at a certain time. The frequency of the clutch's stick-slip vibration is very close to the natural frequency of the system, which is affected by the system structure. When the normal load increases from 1 MPa to 1.5 MPa, the amplitude of the displacement signal becomes larger, and the period of stick-slip motion is reduced, and the flutter of the system becomes more obvious. However, when the normal load further increases to 3 MPa, the stick-slip motion gradually evolves into a continuous frictional self-excited vibration. It is beneficial to improve the stick-slip vibration phenomenon by adjusting the normal load of clutch engagement reasonably. The thickness of the friction plate has a significant effect on the stick-slip motion characteristics of the system, when the thickness of the friction plate gradually increases from 2 mm to 4 mm, the structure frequency of the system changes, and the frequency of stick-slip vibration of the system changes. Increase the thickness of friction plate can improve the stick-slip motion behavior of the system, reduce the strength of stick-slip vibration of the system, thus appropriately increase the thickness of friction plate is an effective means to improve the stick-slip motion intensity.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 60-70.
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    In this work, a finite element model of a floating caliper disc brake system is established. Complex eigenvalue analysis method of ABAQUS is performed to study the stability of the brake system with and without damping shim. The mechanism of squeal improvement by adding damping shim is discussed, and the relationship between the shim structures and brake squeal is studied as well. The results show that the unstable vibration modes of the brake are mainly shown the out-of-plane mode of the brake disc, accompanied by the bending and torsion motion of the brake caliper, the carrier and the friction pad, etc., the brake squeal has the characteristics of multi-frequency coupling. The squeal tendency and intensity of brake system can be effectively reduced through introducing the damping shim with specific structural into the brake system, especially for the low-frequency squeal phenomenon. There is an optimal thickness value (0.5mm) of the base plate of the damping shim, which exhibits the best ability in reducing the squeal instability. Excessive increase or decrease of the basic thickness of the damping shim may lead to the decrease of squeal reduction effect and the squeal intensity will be raised. In addition, it is found that the transmission characteristics of braking force can be changed by treating the damping shim with surface grooves, in which the contact stress distribution at the braking interface will become more even, and the energy accumulation phenomenon at the interface is weakened, which accordingly improve the stability of the braking system. The above analysis results have certain engineering guiding significance for understanding the vibration and noise reduction characteristics of damping shim and its structural optimization design.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 70-73.
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    Abstract: the course of Ideological and political theory is to integrate the content of Ideological and political theory into the teaching design of professional courses, so that the ideological and political elements and professional knowledge go hand in hand to form a synergistic effect. Taking the ERP financial business integration application course as an example, this paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of the integration of Ideological and political elements into the course, and discusses the teaching principles and teaching methods of the integration of Ideological and political elements into the ERP financial business integration application course, Thus, it provides a certain reference for how to carry out ideological and political construction in accounting specialty.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 76-79.
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    In the higher vocational stage, the major of Cabin Crew is the main battlefield for training future front-line security service personnel of civil aviation industry, and an important talent supply station for the development of civil aviation. Therefore, the construction of the key part of the professional curriculum system in the talent training program at the higher vocational level must start from the core competence of this post and build a professional curriculum system suitable for the current civil aviation development.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 79-84.
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    "Higher Vocational Mechanical Workplace English" course is a product of adapting to the background of the times, so it is necessary to study it; In order to understand the previous research status, do not do repeated research, and on this basis, combined with their own research on the topic, put forward the existing problems for the topic. This paper discusses that the mixed teaching mode is very helpful to solve the problems existing in the current research; This paper expounds the specific optimization path and Countermeasures of Ideological and political education of "mechanical Workplace English in Higher Vocational Colleges" based on the mixed teaching mode. Finally, it points out the shortcomings of this study and looks forward to the direction of further research.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 84-90.
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    Curriculum Ideology and Politics is an important reform way for higher vocational colleges to implement Morality Education, and it is also the unified requirement of ideological and political education for professional courses in the new era. In order to better integrate Ideology and Politics elements into the teaching of specialized courses, taking the core course of Automobile Inspection and maintenance technology "Automobile Chassis’s Construction & Inspection and maintenance " as an example, the idea of "three objectives" combining knowledge objectives, skills objectives and educational objectives was put forward. According to the training objectives and characteristics of the course, the teaching mode of online and offline mixing is adopted. Before and after class, the students independently explore the important news and touching stories of current politics, and select typical cases from the theoretical class and the practical class to integrate the invisible ideological and political elements. At the same time, the ideological and political assessment is also integrated into the curriculum evaluation system, so as to comprehensively create the teaching ecological environment of "moral cultivation", providing reference for the curriculum reform of other majors in higher vocational colleges.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 90-95.
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    This paper first discusses how to organically coordinate the ideological and political education and ideological and political courses through mixed teaching in the process of "double high" construction, sort out the ideological and political education elements and functions contained in each professional course, integrate them into all links of classroom teaching, and realize the organic unity of Ideological and political education and knowledge system education. Then it discusses the background environment of mixed teaching, and then puts forward the characteristics and practical significance of mixed teaching, focusing on the ways and methods of organic integration of mixed teaching in Ideological and political courses and ideological and political courses, as well as the necessity and significance of collaborative development. In particular, how to achieve the coordinated development of Ideological and political courses and ideological and political courses in hybrid teaching is discussed in detail.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 1(1): 95-95.
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    In order to further train students to study the history of the Party and the history of the country, cultivate and establish a correct view of the country, values. According to the requirements of the CPC Central Committee to conscientiously carry out the learning history of understanding, learning history to increase trust, learning history of chong de, learning history of practice, the learning of party history education to do deep and solid, into the mind into the heart. In this paper, from the perspective of the party building work of the party branch of college students, the significance of the party history study, the existing problems, cause analysis, explore the feasibility of measures, to promote the party history study and education of the party branch of college students to normalize the long-term.