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19 December 2022, Volume 3 Issue 3

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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 1-6.
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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 6-10.
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    Abstract: There are many kinds of risks in the investment of agricultural logistics infrastructure and reducing asset specificity can reduce the investment risk. At the agricultural product production end, the investment risk is huge due to decentralized production. If the logistics enterprises do not rely on the infrastructure, the leasing and revenue sharing strategies can reduce the investment risk.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 10-12.
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    The rural revitalization strategy provides opportunities for the development of vocational education in rural areas. As a higher vocational education aiming at the cultivation of high-skilled talents and compound high-level comprehensive talents, higher vocational colleges have prominent advantages and resources in the cultivation of new professional farmers under the new situation and new policies. In this paper, how to promote the development of rural vocational education transformation in higher vocational colleges, fully focused on the advantages of resources in higher vocational colleges, build rural vocational education, creating the rural vocational education characteristics, focus on fostering advanced composite technology new professional farmers, to promote and promote the comprehensive development of rural economy and society to lay a solid foundation has important and far-reaching practical significance.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 12-15.
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    Abstract: From the aspect of relationship, tax and macroeconomic development have an important role of mutual influence and mutual promotion. Scientific tax assessment can not only effectively reflect the development of macroeconomy, but also give necessary guidance to the development of macroeconomy, and then promote the high-quality development of economy. And tax assessment involves many levels of content, has high complexity. The guiding role of tax assessment in macroeconomic development should be strengthened from the aspects of innovating tax assessment methods, improving application guidance mechanism,strengthening the application ability of big data and establishing professional talent team.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 15-21.
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    In this paper, three-dimensional Cu/Co MOFs modified graphene (Cu/Co MOFs & rGO) was prepared from C6H3(CO2H)3, Cu(NO3)2·3H2O, Co(NO3)2·6H2O and graphene oxide by one-step hydrothermal method. The effects of synthesis conditions on the products were investigated by changing hydrothermal temperature, copper cobalt metal molar ratio, hydrothermal time and metal content. The products were characterized by XRD, SEM and XPS. The results showed that the optimum conditions for the synthesis of Cu/Co MOFs & rGO were as follows: hydrothermal temperature of 120℃, metal molar ratio of 1: 2, hydrothermal time of 36 h and metal content of 60%.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 21-24.
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    Abstract: Cars play an increasingly important role in people's daily life and are the second mobile home. Therefore, the requirements for the quality and environmental protection of the car are also getting higher and higher. Genuine leather and imitation leather (such as PVC materials) are widely used in automobile interiors, and the detection of VOC content by the bag method is of great significance for analyzing the causes of excessive VOC in parts and vehicles. The reasons for the occurrence and the improvement measures are given. Therefore, this paper is of great significance for the OEM to control the VOC of the whole vehicle and the selection of different materials.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 24-34.
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    Three kinds of brake pads with bionic non-smooth surfaces, namely round pit pad, square pad and mixed pit pad, are designed in this work, to solve the brake friction vibration phenomenon and problems for disc brake. Finite element software ABAQUS is used to analyze the friction-induced vibration of the brake system with three different pads. The results obtained from these systems are compared with the brake system with smooth bake pad. Results show that the model coupling frequency and quantity will be changed when the pad when the friction pad is bionic treated, part of the vibration frequency of the brake system is missing and newly added. This is because that the surface treatment reduces the overall stiffness and the model frequency of the friction pad, which consequently changes the coupling orders of pad with other parts of the brake system. Complex eigenvalue analysis results show that the friction pad with mixed pits shows the best ability in improving the stability of the brake system, the number of unstable vibration frequency is significantly reduced, and the brake system has the largest value of TOI. By contrast, the friction pad with a circular hole possess relative weaker potential in suppressing brake vibration. Through the analysis of the contact stress at the braking interface, it is found that the bionic treatment of the friction pad can improve the stress concentration phenomenon at the braking interface, which causes the stress distribution becomes more uniform, and weak the energy accumulation phenomenon at the interface and improving the stability of the braking system. The above analysis results can provide theoretical basis for surface bionic design to improve the stability of brake system.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 34-39.
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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 39-44.
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    In the radial forging process of Inconel 718 superalloy, the initial forging temperature and the final forging temperature were controlled by conventional PID control and fuzzy PID control , respectively, and the high temperature were properties and high temperature oxidation properties of samples were tested and analyzed. The results show that, compared with conventional PID control, the wear volume of the alloy decreases by 42% after 700 °C high temperature wear for 25 min, and the mass change per unit area decreases by 39% after 700°C for 20 h, which improves the high temperature wear properties and high temperature oxidation properties of the alloy samples.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 44-51.
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    Material production control is directly related to the survival and development of electronic product manufacturing enterprises. Inadvertent handling will cause irreparable economic losses and reputation loss for enterprises. This paper focuses on the planning of small batch material production and launches a series of scientific research. Aiming at the problem of forecasting the demand of the key materials, an index evaluation model is established by using the frequency histogram and entropy weight method to screen six kinds of materials that should be focused on. With the week as the basic time unit, an ARIMA time series model is established to complete the prediction of historical data. To solve the problem of material production planning, the gradient division of the selected material demand is carried out according to the histogram, and the coefficient matching is completed. A dynamic decision-making model with multi gradient demand characteristics is established, which optimizes the production plan and improves the service level to 92%.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 51-60.
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    A three-dimensional thermal-mechanical coupling finite element model of disc brake is established, and the thermal-mechanical coupling characteristics and friction-induced vibration characteristics in two modes: drag braking and start-stop braking is studied, in addition, the influence of different deceleration behaviors on thermal-mechanical coupling and vibration characteristics in start-stop braking mode is discussed. Results show that: under the effect of thermal-mechanical coupling, the thermal deformation forms of the brake pad on both sides of the disc are completely different, resulting in significant differences in the temperature distribution of the friction discs on both sides. As the temperature increases, the vibration intensity of the brake system gradually decreases. Due to the difference in temperature leads to the difference in thermal deformation level on both sides of the brake disc. Therefore, the vibration intensity of the brake piston side is greater than that of the finger side. The deceleration behavior of the brake disc has a significant influence on the thermal-mechanical coupling characteristics and friction-induced vibration characteristics of the system. In the fast braking mode, the heat exchange between the brake and the outside environment is significant, the interface temperature is low but the vibration intensity is large. In the slow braking and step braking modes, the interface temperature increases rapidly, but the vibration intensity of the system is low due to the slow friction process. Especially in the case of step-by-step braking, the vibration intensity at a certain stage may be very weak. These results have certain guiding significance for understanding the temperature distribution characteristics of brake system and improving the brake vibration noise.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 60-68.
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    Abstract: The compound of N,N,N,N,N′-Pentakis(2-hydroxyethyl)-1,4,7-triazaheptane (PHT) was synthesized by diethylenetriamine and 2-bromoethanol as the main raw materials. The corrosion inhibition performance of PHT for 2024 aluminum was tested by mass loss method, polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution. The corrosion inhibition mechanism of PHT on 2024 aluminum was also discussed by the investigation of corrosion reaction dynamics and adsorption model. The showed that the inhibition efficiency increased with the increasing of PHT concentration at 25℃, and the inhibition efficiency can exceed 90.85 % when the concentration of PHT is up to 700mg/L, as well as showed a remarkable inhibition effect. The apparent activation energy of corrosion reaction was significantly increased by the addition of PHT, which indicated that the process of corrosion reaction was effectively inhibited, and it was a mix-type inhibitor which had great restraint action on cathodic hydrogen evolution. The absorption of PHT on 2024 aluminum is the mixed adsorption nvolved physical adsorption and chemical adsorption at 25 ℃, which conformed to the Langmuir isothermal adsorption model.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 68-72.
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    Based on the analysis of the cognitive deviation of the meaning of practical education, this paper puts forward that the meaning of practical education should be understood from three aspects: education should follow the Marxist education principle, practical education should give full play to the independent education function, and education should stimulate students' internal needs to promote students' growth. It points out that the core of practical education in the second class of colleges and universities is how to implement the education of socialist core values and solve the core problem of "what kind of people to cultivate, how to cultivate and for whom to cultivate" in educational work, analyzes the work value of practical education in the second class in colleges and universities, and finally puts forward that "the report card of the second class" is an effective way to carry out practical education in Colleges and universities.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 72-76.
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    The practical teaching of Ideological and political theory courses and the second class are important components of the practical education of ideological and political education in colleges. To fully release their nurturing effectiveness and achieve the overall synergy of practical nurturing, it is necessary to accurately understand the basic connotation of the practical teaching of Ideological and political theory courses and the second class, clarify the functional positioning of the two, identify their respective nurturing points, and on this basis, build and optimize the cooperative nurturing mechanism of the practical teaching of Ideological and political theory courses and the second classroom. On the basis of this, it will build and optimize the mechanism of collaborative education between the practical teaching and the second class, so that they can interact and coordinate with each other to form a synergistic working pattern, ultimately releasing the maximum effect of nurturing people, and providing the path of practical education for cultivating qualified builders and reliable successors of socialism with comprehensive development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labour.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 76-81.
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    This article starts with the conditions for the development of tennis sports in colleges and universities, discusses the feasibility of the integration of competitive sports and college sports, and then discusses the value of the integration of tennis sports in colleges and universities. On this basis, it puts forward three integration methods of tennis sports and college physical education: the integration of competitive sports and college sports teaching, the integration of competitive sports and after-school sports activities The integration of competitive sports and campus competitive competitions put forward the following suggestions to curb the decline of students' physical health in China: at the theoretical level, further explore the contradictory relationship between sports and physical education; At the practical level, we should explore the new model of students' physical education, and how to use the of school physical education resources to find and train athletes, promote the deep integration of competitive sports and college physical education, and promote the healthy and stable development of physical education.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 85-91.
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    Some problems appear in the national skill competition of architectural decoration technology application. For example, the students are lack of professional theoretical knowledge and comprehensive practical ability. They are also unfamiliar with the decoration construction technology. Some Students are lack of cohesion theory with practice.Some ideas are proposed in this paper to solve these problems. Firstly, taking the employment as the guidance, the course teaching and the competition can fuse with each other more seriously. Then, taking the capability as the standard, the Comprehensive practice training should be strengthened. Finally, the theory and the practice should be combined more in some projects. These ideas can promote the overall quality of interior design teaching.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 91-94.
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    Abstract: Marx believes that labor is the essential need of human beings. In the new era, labor education is the key to cultivate and shape people, and also an important way to realize a person's overall growth. In the implementation of labor education practice, colleges and universities should regard the labor literacy of college students as the main goal, and realize the coordination and integration of labor education with moral education, intellectual education, physical education and aesthetic education.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 3(3): 94-94.
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    Abstract: Employability reflects the comprehensive performance of graduates in employment cognition, professional ability, cooperative consciousness, job adaptability and other aspects. In a tough job market, it is particularly urgent to enhance the employment ability of college students. Colleges should rely on school-enterprise cooperation, and activate enterprises’ participation in the comprehensive quality of talents from the aspects of policy formulation, curriculum optimization, employment guidance, and employer demand analysis, so as to ensure the acquisition of students' employability.