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21 December 2022, Volume 4 Issue 4

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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 6-11.
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    Abstract: objective in view of the existing problems of all kinds of urban furniture, such as cold and rigid, unadaptable to the urban style, lack of interest and personality, etc., this paper puts forward the design thinking and practice way of exploring urban furniture around elastic urban furniture, and helps the urban construction in China to change from extensive to refined and quality oriented. Method in order to make the flexible urban furniture play a realistic effect, the author takes the emphasis on participatory community building as the research background, points out the importance and operability of urban furniture design in the process of community building practice, puts forward the concept of flexible urban furniture, and probes into the connotation of flexible urban furniture. Results the innovative thinking and practical path of catalytic elastic urban furniture design can be explored from four aspects: "modular combination", "changeable structure", "movable device" and "ecological sustainability". Conclusion through the construction of flexible urban furniture system, it can effectively improve the quality and vitality of urban space, and gradually achieve a participatory urban development mode full of care and temperature.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 11-15.
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    With the arrival of the era of domestic asset management ,the increasing diversification and complexity of residents' investment behavior, consumer finance has become the key area of domestic scholars.Beginning with the concept of consumer finance, and the foundation of domestic and abroad research on cousmer finance in recent years, this paper reviews the impact of consumer finance on consumers from the dimensions of consumer decision-making, credit, asset allocation, etc., and on this basis, in view of the shortcomings of the current domestic research on consumer finance, it prospects the future research in the field of consumer finance in China.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 18-21.
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    The implementation of the strategy of strengthening the school with talents, strengthening the construction of teaching faculty, and promoting the internationalization level of teachers are important guarantees for promoting the development of various undertakings of the school. Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College takes the Sino-Australian Vocational Education and Training Project as an opportunity to carry out effective exploration of the internationalization of teaching faculty, internalize the standards, innovate the model, expand the platform, and gradually form a sustainable development driving force for the internationalization of teaching faculty.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 23-26.
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    Abstract: The mechanical properties and thermal property of blocks filled with plastic bottles were prepared and tested. The results show that the filler material used in the bottle has a slight effect on the strength of the block. Although the total strength of these plastic bottles is low, calculations have shown that the aerated bottle blocks can still be used as structural units for parti- tion walls or load -bearing walls for roof slabs.. Compared with the traditional block structure ,the air -filled bottle has better heat insulation and can be used as a heat insulating material.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 26-34.
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    Agriculture in China is dependent on imported potash fertilizer; potash reductions with slow/controlled release fertilizers are, therefore, important for development of sustainable agriculture. We studied the effects of slow-release compound fertilizers with 10% and 30% reductions in potassium (SRF1 and SRF2, respectively) on the rhizosphere soil microbes of three kinds of leafy vegetables (cabbage, Brassica narinosa, and lettuce) in Tongliang and Beibei experimental fields (representing soils with different potassium levels). The results showed that in the Tongliang experimental field, the bacterial, actinomycetes, and fungal content was significantly higher in the rhizosphere soil of B. narinosa than in cabbage and lettuce. Compared with compound fertilizer (CF), SRF1 significantly increased the rhizosphere soil microbial content of cabbage, B. narinosa, and lettuce in the Tongliang experimental field by 11.5%, 27.7%, and 22.2%, respectively. The rhizosphere soil actinomycetes content of lettuce in the Beibei experimental field increased significantly by 18.0% compared with CF and 16.4% compared with common compound fertilizer (CCF). Compared with CF, SRF1 and SRF2 significantly increased the rhizosphere soil fungal content of cabbage by 13.4% and 12.9%, respectively, in the Tongliang experimental field. In this field, the gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial content of the rhizosphere soils of cabbage, B. narinosa, and lettuce treated with slow-release compound fertilizer were significantly higher than in those treated with CF and CCF. Therefore, among the different fertilizer treatments, the application of slow-release compound fertilizer with a 10% reduction in potassium (SRF1) produced the best effects on rhizosphere soil microbes.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 34-44.
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    Based on the idea of bionic coupling, three kinds of clutch friction pads with bionic characteristics are designed, namely: circular pit friction pad, straight groove friction pad and wavy groove friction pad, respectively. Both of the complex eigenvalue analysis and explicit dynamic analysis are performed by using ABAQUS, to study the vibration properties of the clutch system from two aspects of frequency domain and time domain. Complex eigenvalue analysis results show that the friction-induced vibration generated from the clutch system during engagement is characterized by multi-frequencies and it exhibits the superposition of multi-frequencies vibration response. With the increase of friction coefficient, the vibration intensity of the clutch system increases gradually, and the number of the vibration frequency increases as well. The results of the tendency of instability (TOI) analysis show that the bionic friction pad can effectively reduce the vibration tendency of the clutch system, especially in the case that the pad surface is processed with wavy grooves. Friction pad surface with wavy grooves exhibits the best ability in improving the vibration of the clutch system. Explicit dynamic analysis results show that the vibration amplitude of the clutch system decreases visibly when the friction pad is treated with bionic design, especially for the pad with wavy grooves, the corresponding vibration amplitude of the clutch system decreases significantly. By analyzing the interface stress of different friction pads, the results show that the bionic friction pads can improve the stress concentration phenomenon at the friction interface, which causes the stress distribution become more uniform, and accordingly weaken the energy accumulation generated from the friction interface. Especially for the case that the pad surface is machined with wave grooves, the stress amplitude of friction interface is the minimum, indicating that the clutch system has the best ability in keeping stable. This study provides a theoretical basis and a new idea for the bionic design of the friction pad surface to improve the vibration problem of the clutch system.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 44-53.
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    With the increasing demand for reliability and precision in manufacturing industry, timely and effective acquisition of rotating machinery fault information can ensure the normal operation of equipment. In this paper, deep LSTM residual network is used to complete the fault diagnosis of rotating machinery, which mainly consists of three modules: initial data processing layer, SP-LSTM residual network signal diagnosis layer and GAP ELM network fault classification layer. This method can realize deep feature mining of initial data and obtain subtle changes of fault data by using memory and forgetting gates in LSTM element. The GAP-ELM network can avoid the problem of low accuracy of traditional Softmax classification method, so as to complete fault diagnosis effectively. The CWRU set is used to complete the experimental comparison between the proposed method and methods [5,6]. The results show that the proposed method has better robustness and is superior to methods [5,6] in diagnosing normal signals, fault signals of rolling body and inner and outer ring. In addition, the method can be realized in the epoch of less stable, and with the increase of the epoch, the method of loss value decreases.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 53-62.
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    In this work, the engine crank and rod mechanism is established. Firstly, based on the ABAQUS/Optimization module, the topology optimization design of the connecting rod structure is carried out to achieve the purpose of lightening under the premise of satisfying the structural stiffness. Then, the implicit dynamic analysis algorithm is used to carry out the dynamic simulation analysis of the piston-connection-crank system before and after the optimization, and the vibration characteristics of the system before and after the optimization are compared. Results show that the strain energy of the connecting rod system can be reduced to 868.9 J, and the structural mass can be reduced from 0.793 kg to 0.585 kg, indicating that the weight of the rod can be reduced by 26.2%. Furthermore, the implicit dynamic analysis algorithm is used to calculate the vibration characteristics of the piston-connection-crank system before and after structural optimization. Results show that the quality of the system can be reduced and the response behavior of the system will not be worsened by the lightweight design of the connecting rod, on the contrary, it can improve the tangential vibration of the system to some extent. The stress concentration in a large range can be avoided by optimizing the design of the connecting rod. Although the maximum stress value is increased to a certain extent, it is still within the safety range. Therefore, the optimization scheme proposed in this study is safe. In addition, the key to avoid the failure of piston-connection-crank system is to reduce the large disturbance effect caused by the initial piston motion. The optimization design method provided in this study will provide some reference ideas for the lightweight of engine system and the structural design of system vibration improvement.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 62-66.
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    The vehicle lightweighting technology is the current car companies are very concerned about a field, It can not only reduce the weight of the vehicle, but also can improve the vehicle's dynamic economy and range. Project Combined with the current mainstream automakers lightweight technology, vehicle are optimized by the modal analysis of the vehicle structure, explore the building of lightweight materials such as aluminum alloy, carbon fiber electric car, realization of vehicle lightweighting, so as to further reduce the cost of new energy vehicles and travel distance increase.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 66-76.
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    Considering that the present studies commonly perform complex eigenvalue analysis to study the influence of brake disc structure on brake chatter squeal behavior, this work compares the results of complex eigenvalue analysis and transient dynamic analysis in calculating brake chatter squeal behavior, it is found that the transient dynamic analysis method has better practicality and reliability in solving the brake chatter squeal problem. Based on this finding, the effect of three kinds of brake discs with different ventilation bars on brake stability at low speed is studied. It is found that the brake disc with ventilation bars can effectively reduce the vibration intensity of the brake system on the finger side of brake pad, especially for the disc with spiral ventilation bars, which has outstanding effect in improving the vibration intensity in the finger side of brake pad. Due to the face the piston side of brake pad has more complex structure and more constraints, thus the disc with ventilated bar structure has not visible effect in improving the vibration intensity in the piston side. The above characteristics are verified and explained by analyzing the contact pressure between the finger side and the piston side of brake pads during the friction process. The above results further prove the validity of the transient dynamic analysis and the limitations of the complex eigenvalue analysis.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 76-86.
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    Three kinds of non-smooth bionic surface are manufactured on the brake disc surface, namely: surface groove disc, surface pit disc and surface groove with pit disc. Finite element analysis is performed by using ABAQUS to study the relationship between these three kinds of brake discs and brake system stability. Results show that the vibration modes of the brake are mainly reflected as the in-plane and out-plane vibration of the brake disc, accompanied by the bending and torsional motion of the brake clamp and the brake pad. Complex eigenvalue analysis is used to calculate the Tendency of Instability (TOI) of brake system, it is found that the squeal tendency of the brake system has significantly changed after the non-smooth bionic surface treatment. Specifically, the surface groove with round pit disc has the best potential in improving the stability of brake system, while the surface groove disc has the weakest effect among them. In addition, transient dynamic analysis is performed to verify the above results, it is found that the vibration acceleration amplitude, elastic displacement amplitude and interface force strength are reduced after dealing with the disc surface, and the surface groove with round hole treatment shows the most effective in reducing the squeal instability of brake system. However, due to the edges of grooves and round pits may form stress concentration areas, which will cause the damage of the edges in a certain way, thus it is suggested that the polishing process can be used to improve the surface life.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 85-89.
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    The necessity and feasibility of carrying out ideological and political education in inorganic chemistry experiment were analyzed. The ideological and political elements contained in the inorganic chemistry experiment were deeply explored before class, the teaching methods and means of Ideological and political course were reformed in class, the multiple teaching evaluation was implemented after class, and the ideological and political course was included in the evaluation elements, so as to achieve collaborative education. It provides a reference for the ideological and political teaching of chemical and pharmaceutical experimental courses in higher vocational colleges.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 89-91.
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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 91-94.
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    With the reform and innovation of Learning evaluation mode, quality education has been paid more attention. Colleges and universities have deeply carried out the integrating ideological and political education into professional courses, aiming to improve knowledge and skills as well as moral cultivation. The major of cabin crew cultivates front-line safety talents and pays more attention to the cultivation of students' personal qualities. However, in the process of student training, a relatively single way of learning evaluation neglects the evaluation of students' ideological and moral character, which also easily leads to the failure of selection due to the lack of personal comprehensive quality. This paper explores the method of integrating ideological and political education into student learning evaluation and discusses how to build a perfect student learning evaluation system that is suitable for the needs of the profession and the law of talent development, in order to comprehensively enhance the students' personal competitiveness.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 94-99.
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    Abstract: The ideological and political curriculum system of colleges is a collection of courses that can play the role of ideological and political education in the same direction and in synergy. The construction of the ideological and political curriculum system in college in the new era is necessary to win the youth, keep the "political gate" of socialist talent cultivation and form the institutional mechanism of "three-wide education". To achieve comprehensiveness, enhance systematization and maintain dynamism is the focus of expanding and deepening the construction of the ideological and political curriculum system in colleges. It is necessary to refine the system of ideological and political course, improve the policy system of course ideology and politics, and establish the system of coordination and linkage between ideological and political course and course ideology and politics, so as to provide policy and system guarantee for the formation and development of the ideological and political curriculum system of colleges in the new era.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2022, 4(4): 99-99.
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    Abstract:The left-handers (LH) has a better developed right hemisphere and therefore better motor, attention and spatial function than the right-handed hand, and studies suggest that there may be a link between the left-handed hand population and good tennis ability. However, these study results are relatively limited, and the data analysis is insufficient. In this study, the general population (LH=8.194%) was compared with that of the professional tennis players, and the dominant hand frequency of the top professional tennis players for 32 years was analyzed. The results showed that from 1988 to 2019, the proportion of left players among top professional tennis players (world top 10) and grand Slam finalists was significantly higher than ordinary professional tennis players (p<0.05). However, the left-handed hand rate was not significantly different among the different gender groups of professional tennis players compared with the general population (p>0.05). Studies show that left-handed advantage is evident among top tennis players; but not significantly among general professional players. The findings support the notion that the left-left hand population is superior when performing certain advanced neurocognitive tasks, such as optic space and whole-body visual motion tasks. This paper also discusses the possible morphological differences between left-handed and right-handed professional players. Research Suggestions: and through the EEG analysis, the amateur tennis players, professional tennis players and never reached the top level of players samples, from exploring the dominant hand, tennis players sports training and the differences between the brain structure to further study the relationship between hand and tennis training, so as to improve the level of tennis training.