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03 December 2021, Volume 4 Issue 4

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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 1-3.
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    The efficiency of administration directly affects the normal operation of the whole work of a higher vocational college.  At present, the administrative efficiency of higher vocational colleges needs to be further improved to adapt to the social demand for higher vocational talent training. This paper also studies and discusses the administrative efficiency of higher vocational colleges, especially the problems existing in the administrative efficiency and how to improve the administrative efficiency are discussed and analyzed, hoping to help improve the quality of administrative work in colleges and universities.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 3-5.
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    Research on the Cultivation of Cultural Confidence in Higher Vocational Colleges from the Perspective of New Development Concept

  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 5-10.
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    Education, as an integral part of the development of human society, has never been absent from any important moment of historical development. Although the branch of vocational education does not have a long history, it is indisputable that it has played an irreplaceable role in the rapid development of the industrial age for more than two centuries. As general secretary Xi Jingping put forward "in the world today is undergoing great changes unseen in a century", as participants and constructors of vocational education, we must grasp the new historical opportunity, summarize historical experience, explore the development direction of the new situation, make the vocational education in the history of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation play an important role on the road.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 13-16.
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    In terms of the development of the existing computer network, it has been deeply integrated with people's daily work and life. Through the efficient processing of data business, it can truly meet the demands of information sharing and information timeliness transmission based on the Internet vision, so as to improve the quality of people's work and life.  However, while the Internet brings convenience to people, it will also produce certain security problems. For example, when most people use computers, they usually store important information in the network. Once such information is lost, it will cause great economic losses for users themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt advanced technology to improve the security performance of computer network and protect the data privacy of users and enterprises, aiming to the problems in the current operation and operation characteristics of computer network. This article discusses the computer network information security and protection strategy to be reference. 
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 16-19.
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    Excellent traditional culture is our deepest source of cultural confidence. A nation without cultural confidence is unable to stand on its own among the nations of the world. As Xi pointed out, the world is undergoing "profound changes unseen in a century" and China is in the best period of development in modern times. Fate at stake in the country and the people, as we Chinese children, more should be accumulated in a long struggle of the Chinese nation culture nutrients, strong cultural self-confidence, seeking for the Chinese nation strong spiritual support, overcome difficulties, a perennial in the broad and profound Chinese culture, adhere to the spirit of relentlessly resourceful work, there is no doubt that can bring us deep and strong spiritual power.

  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 19-23.
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    Dialectical thinking is a way of thinking about problems, requiring a comprehensive, three-dimensional, multi-angle view of the problem.  Cultivating college students' dialectical thinking ability is of great and far-reaching significance to the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics.  We should educate students and guide them to think through numerous vivid dialectical cases at home and abroad, and gradually train their dialectical thinking ability.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 23-26.
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     From the perspective of accounting, this paper analyzes the credit behavior of enterprises in the construction of market economy in China, so as to make the study of credit more perfect and comprehensive.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 26-29.
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    In November 2021, the communique of the sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee summed up the valuable historical experience accumulated by the CPC in leading the people in the great struggle. The second one was "The people come first". The thought of people first has its profound ideological connotation, profound theoretical foundation and solid practical experience.  The thought of people first is of great significance to our Party's continued success in leading the people.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 29-39.
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    Organic coatings are commonly used as an effective strategy for protecting carbon steel from corrosion, but the traditional organic coatings are susceptible to generate micron cracks or defects during servicing, resulting in the premature failure of the protective abilities. In view of this problem, the smart anti-corrosion coating doped with BTA@MSNs-SO3H-PDDA was fabricated in this work based on the synthesis of the intelligent nanocontainers of BTA@MSNs-SO3H-PDDA with pH-sensitivity. The structure and performance of BTA@MSNs- SO3H-PDDA were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), dynamic light scattering analysis (DLS), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetry (TGA) and ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). The protective properties for carbon steel of the smart coatings were evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and salt spray accelerated experiments. The results showed that BTA@MSNs-SO3H-PDDA presented near-spherical, with an average diameter of 718 nm. The amount of BTA loaded in BTA@MSNs-SO3H-PDDA is about 13.37%. The releasing rate of BTA from BTA@MSNs-SO3H- PDDA can be accelerated via the sensitive response of the pH changes. The prepared smart coating based on BTA@MSNs-SO3H-PDDA presents remarkable anti-corrosion performance for carbon steel.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 42-44.
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    The knowledge ofCosting and Management originally belongs to the content of social science, and is inseparable from social development. In the course of knowledge explanation, most of the content is closely related to the formation of students' "three views".  Therefore, the implementation of course for ideological and political education in the explanation of Costing and Management requires the organic integration of curriculum content knowledge and moral education, with teachers as the leading, students as the main body, through curriculum design and diversified forms, the educational function of curriculum ideological and political education and the teaching of professional knowledge.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 44-46.
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     In order to improve the language ability of higher vocational college students and enhance their comprehensive humanistic quality, all colleges and universities offer College Chinese as a public basic course, and students in all majors have to learn it. Therefore, College Chinese was supposed to occupy a certain position in the college education and teaching system.  However, according to the situation reflected in the current teaching practice, College Chinese is easy to be ignored, and it does not have the status that mother tongue should have, nor does it have as high participation in learning and examination series as English. Students don't pay much attention to this course.  With the development of quality-oriented education morality, this paper discusses how to arouse students' enthusiasm for participation and learning in College Chinese.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 46-48.
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    The course "Basic Accounting“ is a compulsory course for students majoring in economics and management. In order to give full play to the educational function of "thought leading, ability training and knowledge imparting" through the ideological and political education of " Basic Accounting” course. The teacher should make good use of classroom teaching as the main channel, ideological and political theory courses should be strengthened in improvement, enhance the affinity and pertinence of ideological and political education, and meet the needs and expectations of students' growth and development.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 48-50.
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    Caring for the work of the next generation is an important part of moral education in higher vocational colleges, which is an extraordinary work, we should education of the next generation, pay attention to moral education, carefully cultivate the builders and successors of socialist cause. In combination with the practical situation of the school, this article builds "the education for this, based on life" concept, adhering to Xi Jinping, the important thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics at the new era about the next generation of work, gives full play to the "five old" (that is, the retired veteran cadres, veterans, old experts, teachers, the old model) history witnesses and the role of textbooks. Combined with the practical work, this paper summarizes the present situation of the work of the working committee of higher vocational colleges and puts forward some suggestions on how to care for the next generation in the new era.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 50-54.
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    Because the professional education of national higher vocational colleges has long ignored the innate advantage of ideological and political education, there exists the phenomenon of over-pragmatism.  At the same time, ideological and political education has been affected by the long-term lack of professional education support, and gradually fell into the island. With the in-depth development of ideological and political courses and curriculum ideological and political construction, colleges and universities have further clarified that all classes have the responsibility and function of education, and all courses should play their respective roles. Therefore, all kinds of specialized courses and ideological and political theory courses have the same goal, and should play the role of education together to produce synergistic effect. In the past few years, the author and his team, guided by advanced culture, have explored and broken the traditional ideological and political education mode in higher vocational colleges, and made efforts to explore the collaborative education mode of "ideological and political three-dimensional classroom" in higher vocational colleges, and achieved remarkable results in practice. 
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 54-57.
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    Due to its professionalism and confidentiality, accounting requires high professional quality of job seekers. In addition to theoretical knowledge and practical ability, accounting personnel are also required to be familiar with the production characteristics of different industries, which is difficult to achieve in college. At present, students majoring in accounting in colleges and universities generally have problems such as "difficulty in practical training and internship". Therefore, the state has always advocated the "modern apprenticeship" education mode based on school-enterprise cooperation and encouraged higher vocational colleges to carry out teaching reform experimental classes through the integration of industry and education and school-enterprise integration. Based on the practical situation of the modern apprenticeship teaching reform experimental class of accounting major in our college, this paper analyzes the achievements and problems found in the experimental process and gives some suggestions. 
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 57-60.
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    Building an innovation-oriented country and speeding up the training of high-quality talents with innovative spirit and practical ability are the keys for China to win the initiative in international competition and promote socialist modernization. How to cultivate talents with innovative ability has become an important task to be solved urgently in colleges and universities.  And the effective development of college students' social practice work has become one of the important channels to train students' innovation and practice ability. College students' social practice is the general term of a series of educational activities in which college students participate in social political, economic and cultural activities in a purposeful, planned and organized way according to the requirements of the school's training objectives  It is an activity process in which college students go deep into the real society purposefully and in a planned way, participate in specific production and social life, understand the society, increase knowledge and skills, and develop correct social consciousness and outlook on life. It is not only the need of cultivating innovative talents in colleges and universities, but also the objective requirement of modern economic and social development, as well as the requirement of the deep reform and development of higher education in China.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2021, 4(4): 60-60.
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     Under the background of the continuous deepening of vocational education reform, higher vocational colleges have better development opportunities, but at the same time, higher requirements are put forward for the implementation system of college labor education in the new era. Based on this, this paper tries to analyze the policy guidance, significance and connotation of the construction of the implementation system of labor education in higher vocational colleges, focusing on the analysis of the construction of the implementation system of labor education under the background of the new era, in order to promote the long-term development of higher vocational colleges.