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04 December 2020, Volume 4 Issue 4

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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2020, 4(4): 31-39.
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     Stamping is the basis of automobile body parts production, and the product quality in stamping stage affects the final parts. Therefore, the process design of stamping stage plays a very important role in the whole cycle of automobile design and manufacturing, and it is the key factor to improve the development speed and quality of panel. With the development of simulation analysis software, stamping process simulation technology has become an important tool for die design. The development cycle of new products can be greatly shortened by continuously adjusting the forming parameters in the simulation analysis stage. This paper mainly introduces the various function of AutoForm and the judgment criteria of the analysis results after the simulation is completed, in order to get better body panels in the actual production process.
  • Bai Yuzhu
    Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2020, 4(4): 55-58.
    Abstract ( ) Download PDF ( ) Knowledge map Save

    This paper is a psychological case analysis of students' Truancy in higher vocational college.A second-year student called Li mou  often doesn’t go to class,after the counselor found out, for his truancy behavior to further understand his psychological reasons:after entering the student union, the student was too concerned about his fat body , fear of being ridiculed,so he seek unhealthy way to lose weight caused by insomnia, tension, anxiety and so on,and then there was serious truancy for nearly a month.In view of this situation, the counselors have taken a series of countermeasures,she used rational emotive therap, this method can correct the students' bad cognition and improve his bad emotions, then we can improve the bad behavior of truancy.At the same time, this case displayed counselors should be good at finding the deep-seated reasons behind truancy, especially the psychological reasons, and make targeted improvement.