This paper elaborates three advantages of location to develop rural tourism in Yubei District, three lags of the plan and management of tourism, three development opportunity of airport economy zone and the two challenges from rapid development of neighboring provinces and cities, which could be reference to rural tourism Yubei District.
Objective: this paper analyzed the physiology, mentality, living habit and condition of the aged Chinese, in order to design living space met aged Chinese living needs. Method: referring to generalized research method and theory, associated with questionnaire, structured interview (60-90 years old) and case study, aged Chinese physiological and psychological characteristics and behavioral habit and degree of satisfaction to present living space were investigated. Conclusion: the design of living space of aged Chinese should integrate their physiological and psychological characteristics, living habit, combination of human body size and ergonomics, the security, practicability and health and barrier free access should be taken into consideration.