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11 November 2019, Volume 2 Issue 2

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  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 4-6.
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    Due to the slow development of the world economy, the employment market of vocational college graduates has been impacted. Employment has become the top priority of Vocational College work. Taking Chongqing Industrial Vocational and Technical College as an example, this paper makes a thorough study of the construction of a perfect and diversified graduate employment market system and the development and cultivation of the employment market.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 6-8.
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    As social development and scientific progress, new technology, such as  big data ,mobile internet and cloud computing , are changing our life, meanwhile, business mode are changing, new commercial activities are emerging, therefore, financial accounting are undergoing unprecedented change. This paper, on the basis of analysis of current situation of financial accounting, discusses the new technology’s influences on traditional accounting, studies the transformation of financial staff.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 8-10.
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    As Chinese social market economy constantly is deepened and completed, especially the establishment of modern financial management. In changing market, enterprise needs to consider cost of capital, complete cost management considering overall development instead of cost reduction of enterprise. Meanwhile, costs of capital are evaluated, possible use of funds are arranged, capital structures are optimized, to control financial risk, realize sustainable development, provide lower cost and better efficiency for enterprise development.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 10-16.
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    Sea level rise caused by global climate change has significant impacts on coastal zone. The mangrove ecosystems occur at the intertidal zone in tropical and subtropical coasts and provide valuable ecosystem services, including habitat biodiversity, coastal protection, water purification and support of various material resources. Located in the transition zone between land and ocean, the mangrove ecosystems are particularly sensitive to sea-level rise. This study discusses the impact of global climate change on mangrove ecosystems and looked forward to the research direction of mangrove ecosystems under the impact of climate change.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 16-18.
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    As the development of new media, which has great opportunity and challenge to party building in higher vocational college. There are some problems, such as, students party member is reluctant to study; party building participant have vague political knowledge, party building platform is short of application. Some effective countermeasures are proposed, like, create party building platform with new media, enrich its contents and modes, promote professional quality and independent study consciousness of students and teachers party members. This paper discusses how to combine new media with party building and provides new innovative path for party building in higher vocational college.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 22-26.
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    Taking the hybrid cylindrical coordinate palletizing robot as the research object,aiming at the fast and stable trajectory planning problem of the high speed palletizing robot in joint space, firstly the trajectory is planned by cubic spline curve, secondly the smooth trajectory based on the cubic spline curve is obtained by establishing the robot smooth trajectory optimization model with the approximation degree of the path point and the parameter continuity of the trajectory curve. The simulation results show that optimal trajectory of the robot is different from the maximum fitting error, and thus verify the trajectory planning method can guarantee the kinematic stability and continuous and smooth trajectory of the palletizing robot, which can reduce the mechanical vibration generated during the acceleration or deceleration process.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 29-35.
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    In this paper the subspace method is introduced to identity the system matirx of networked control system by using the input and output data. In order to avoid the deviation of the open loop subspace identification, the system input and output error sequences are calculated to construct the extended input state space for closed loop identification. Then, the prediction model is constructed, and the predictive control algorithm and compensation structure are designed to actively compensate the impact of network delay. For online recurrence calculation, a simple parameter matrix updating method is designed. Compared with the complex matrix LQ decomposition, the computational complexity is reduced and the real-time performance of the system is improved.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 35-41.
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    Strengthening the construction of quality management and guarantee mechanism has always been an important part of the training of apprentices in Finland. At present, Finland has established a five-in-one quality management guarantee mechanism including “target mechanism, main mechanism, evaluation mechanism, technical mechanism and environmental mechanism”, which provides comprehensive guarantee for the cultivation of high-quality skilled personnel in Finland. Finland's advanced experience has provided new ideas and inspirations for the construction of a modern apprenticeship quality management system.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 41-43.
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    This paper expounds the practical problems of " flourishing employment, difficult enrollment, poor quality and difficult maintenance" of welding specialty in higher vocational colleges, analyzes the " bottleneck" that restricts the development of welding specialty, finds out the reasons, finds out the countermeasures, and explores the road to the development of welding specialty in higher vocational colleges.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 43-45.
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    As new emerging specialty in higher vocational college, internet finance was built in 2016. This paper analyzes some problems, such as transformation of teacher’s knowledge, immature teaching resources. To solve those problems, teachers’ practical ability should be trained, some teachers could be double professionally-titled, and internet finance megagame should be held, school-enterprise cooperation should be enhanced.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 45-47.
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    Teacher design learning environment, upload study resources, guide student to self-learn effectively. The greatest benefit of flipped classroom is to increase overall communication between students and teachers.
  • Journal of Chongqing Industry Polytechnic College. 2019, 2(2): 47-47.
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    accounting in higher vocational college; practical teaching; exploration and practice